World Music Prom

Name of project or event

World Music Prom

Date of project or event

9th July


Grimsby Auditorium

Teachers & students involved

• Sue Baker

• Lisa Oliver

• Amy Naylor

• Emma Middleton

• Mo Bromley

Description of event

An event for schools/academies learning World Music instruments. This will be an opportunity for all schools/academies to come together as a massed group led by world music specialist Lisa Oliver supported by local tutors Emma Middleton and Amy Naylor in a special ‘World Music Prom’

Information for Music Tutors involved in the delivery

All tutors to arrive for 8.00am to set up finish time 2.30pm

Schools Arrive 9.30am

STR and Gyoko arrive 12pm

Performance 1.45pm -2.30pm


Tickets available from Grimsby Auditorium box office and online prices £2.50 adults children free